
Showing posts from September, 2016


IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT A PROSPECTIVE DISTRIBUTOR KNOWS WHAT IT ENTAILS TO JOIN THE NETWORK MARKETING INDUSTRY! Do you have an open mind? Are you willing to discover what you don’t know or correct what you think you know?? Most people think they understand what Network or Multi-level Marketing is all about. Some have been involved in it and didn’t get the results they desired. They had goals to succeed in the business either in the short or long-term but unfortunately, fell prey to illegal/fraudulent schemes. Several horrible experiences from being involved in these illegal schemes made the latter group of people to have a wrong impression that all network marketing multilevel businesses are scams, whereas, in the real sense what they are referring to as Network or Multilevel marketing are actually Ponzi schemes and illegal Pyramid schemes. These illegal pyramid schemes are the ones which give good network marketing companies a bad image. On the other hand, there is a second grou...