Do you have an open mind? Are you willing to discover what you don’t know or correct what you think you know?? Most people think they understand what Network or Multi-level Marketing is all about. Some have been involved in it and didn’t get the results they desired. They had goals to succeed in the business either in the short or long-term but unfortunately, fell prey to illegal/fraudulent schemes. Several horrible experiences from being involved in these illegal schemes made the latter group of people to have a wrong impression that all network marketing multilevel businesses are scams, whereas, in the real sense what they are referring to as Network or Multilevel marketing are actually Ponzi schemes and illegal Pyramid schemes. These illegal pyramid schemes are the ones which give good network marketing companies a bad image. On the other hand, there is a second group of people who join the good Network marketing industry and make genuine efforts to succeed but take wrong steps and fail to achieve their goals and dreams. Their failure was due to misinformation or ignorance. Yet still there remains a third set of people who never make any effort to yield results, due to laziness and expect the business to yield results. After these three sets of people fail to succeed in the business, they often contribute in diverse ways to badmouth the direct selling industry. Irrespective of their experiences, the good news is that there are many legitimate network marketing multilevel marketing opportunities which abound worldwide for you to choose from if you are determined to seize the opportunities.
Do you have an open mind? Are you willing to discover what you don’t know or correct what you think you know?? Most people think they understand what Network or Multi-level Marketing is all about. Some have been involved in it and didn’t get the results they desired. They had goals to succeed in the business either in the short or long-term but unfortunately, fell prey to illegal/fraudulent schemes. Several horrible experiences from being involved in these illegal schemes made the latter group of people to have a wrong impression that all network marketing multilevel businesses are scams, whereas, in the real sense what they are referring to as Network or Multilevel marketing are actually Ponzi schemes and illegal Pyramid schemes. These illegal pyramid schemes are the ones which give good network marketing companies a bad image. On the other hand, there is a second group of people who join the good Network marketing industry and make genuine efforts to succeed but take wrong steps and fail to achieve their goals and dreams. Their failure was due to misinformation or ignorance. Yet still there remains a third set of people who never make any effort to yield results, due to laziness and expect the business to yield results. After these three sets of people fail to succeed in the business, they often contribute in diverse ways to badmouth the direct selling industry. Irrespective of their experiences, the good news is that there are many legitimate network marketing multilevel marketing opportunities which abound worldwide for you to choose from if you are determined to seize the opportunities.
Network marketing has been around in various forms since the 19th century. Here is the simple basic idea about Network marketing. Instead of spending huge amounts of money on advertising, Network Marketing companies usually invest their money into product development and subsequently will usually have a higher quality product than those normally available retail stores. Instead of spending huge amounts of money on professional agencies and marketing channels to promote products or services, consumers who love the products are paid to tell others about it. That’s exactly what a network marketing company does: They pay a portion of every sales dollar received back out to their field of independent representatives, who are usually the products’ most committed and enthusiastic consumers.
Network Multilevel Marketing is not a get rich quick scheme. If you happen to fall into the third category or you prefer to get free money without working for it, then this information is not for and you can leave this site. Network marketing isn’t built on simple mathematics where many losers pay a few winners. That’s a pyramid scheme. Network marketing isn’t only for salespeople and it is relatively inexpensive because, unlike most other business opportunities, the start-up costs are low. Network marketing isn’t a means through which companies sell huge amounts of inventory to distributors. Network marketing isn’t a way for distributors to sell stuff that nobody wants or uses. Network marketing isn’t a license to sell products and services at inflated prices. Network marketing isn’t for people who aren’t willing to work hard. Network marketing isn’t for anyone who can’t or won’t follow a proven system that leads to business success. This requires investing some of your time, money and commitment just like every other business. Irrespective of your social status, it gives everyone an equal level playground to start, you do not need a qualification to commence and it has better leverage than other businesses. If you are genuinely interested in becoming a network marketer or distributor, here are things you must consider:
1. First of all be sure to differentiate between a genuine Network Multilevel marketing Corporation and an illegal Pyramid/Ponzi scam/scheme. So Beware of Ponzi Scams/illegal Pyramid Schemes
*Pyramid Scheme Versus Pyramid Structure* : One of the most common
*Ponzi scheme or Ponzi scam is a fraudulent investment operation whereby the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned through legitimate sources. Operators of Ponzi schemes usually entice new investors by offering higher returns than other investments, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent.
objections to Network Marketing companies is the pyramid argument.
Many people will argue that Network Marketing companies are ‘pyramid
schemes’ but that is not usually the case. If it were, they will be closed down fairly quickly. There is a big difference between ‘pyramid structure’ and ‘pyramid
scheme’. Almost every business has a pyramid structure. If you look at a typical corporate organization chart, you will see
one person at the top, a few underneath that person, and then it fans
out into… a pyramid. Even if you look at a sales organization, you’ll see that senior sales
people get commission overrides from the people underneath them. That
sounds like a downline structure in Network Marketing. A pyramid scheme is a business model that recruits members via a promise of payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or sale of products or services. As recruiting multiplies, recruiting becomes quickly impossible, and most members are unable to profit; as such, pyramid schemes are unsustainable and often illegal. A Pyramid Scheme on the other hand is Illegal. It is where all the
money is being made from signing up other people, with little or no
real product ever being sold or delivered. Some will argue that
certain MLMs border on this. The business emphasis on many MLMs is so heavily placed on the
opportunity that the product seems unimportant. Or it’s difficult to buy the product without hearing about the opportunity. Legitimate Network Marketing companies will focus on significant product movement along with selling the opportunity. That’s a balancing act, and those that cross that line to ‘scheme’
will likely have the government to deal with. Since many home based business opportunities are network marketing companies, you may need to look closely at this when you evaluate an opportunity.
Are all Network Marketing organisations reputable and legitimate? Sadly, there are a number of Network Marketing organisations that don’t last for long after commencing operation. This is the main reason why you must be on the alert and research reputable Network Marketing companies that have stood the ultimate test of time. Some Network Marketing companies have been around for several decades. Not only have they stood the test of time, they have withstood enormous public scrutiny and government investigation. The American government and many other governments worldwide have approved some of the best Network Marketing companies ". That is credibility. It will be wise to focus your attention on Network Marketing companies that have government endorsement.
Many people will argue that Network Marketing companies are ‘pyramid
schemes’ but that is not usually the case. If it were, they will be closed down fairly quickly. There is a big difference between ‘pyramid structure’ and ‘pyramid
scheme’. Almost every business has a pyramid structure. If you look at a typical corporate organization chart, you will see
one person at the top, a few underneath that person, and then it fans
out into… a pyramid. Even if you look at a sales organization, you’ll see that senior sales
people get commission overrides from the people underneath them. That
sounds like a downline structure in Network Marketing. A pyramid scheme is a business model that recruits members via a promise of payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or sale of products or services. As recruiting multiplies, recruiting becomes quickly impossible, and most members are unable to profit; as such, pyramid schemes are unsustainable and often illegal. A Pyramid Scheme on the other hand is Illegal. It is where all the
money is being made from signing up other people, with little or no
real product ever being sold or delivered. Some will argue that
certain MLMs border on this. The business emphasis on many MLMs is so heavily placed on the
opportunity that the product seems unimportant. Or it’s difficult to buy the product without hearing about the opportunity. Legitimate Network Marketing companies will focus on significant product movement along with selling the opportunity. That’s a balancing act, and those that cross that line to ‘scheme’
will likely have the government to deal with. Since many home based business opportunities are network marketing companies, you may need to look closely at this when you evaluate an opportunity.
Are all Network Marketing organisations reputable and legitimate? Sadly, there are a number of Network Marketing organisations that don’t last for long after commencing operation. This is the main reason why you must be on the alert and research reputable Network Marketing companies that have stood the ultimate test of time. Some Network Marketing companies have been around for several decades. Not only have they stood the test of time, they have withstood enormous public scrutiny and government investigation. The American government and many other governments worldwide have approved some of the best Network Marketing companies ". That is credibility. It will be wise to focus your attention on Network Marketing companies that have government endorsement.
2. Secondly, Choose a network marketing company that appeals to you, especially if they are involved in products you like. There are four (4) major things to look out for:
1. The Company's Profile.
2. The Products.
3. The Compensation.
4. The Entrepreneurial Team.
* Thirdly, know what it entails to succeed in the business after joining.
It is therefore pertinent that you be on the alert so that you can be sure that you do not get trapped in Ponzi scams and Pyramid scheme.
Network marketing, or multi-level marketing (MLM) on a general note, isn’t illegal, fraudulent, or unethical. Network marketing isn’t an opportunity to get rich quick off the payments of others who join the organization. That’s a pyramid scheme. Network marketing isn’t a pyramid scheme, which is illegal and unethical. Network marketing isn’t an opportunity to get rich quick.
Network marketing is the low-cost, and now high-tech, industry that invites you to build your own business and earn a potentially high income while working from home on your own schedule. You earn immediate income and serious long-term residual income by selling products and services directly to consumers and convincing others to do the same.
One of the Best Network Marketing Companies I would like to recommend to you is LONGRICH INTERNATIONAL.
Connect with me on +2348028707454 or follow this link to join our WhatsApp group:
One of the Best Network Marketing Companies I would like to recommend to you is LONGRICH INTERNATIONAL.
Connect with me on +2348028707454 or follow this link to join our WhatsApp group: