Misconceptions and Objections on Network/Multilevel Marketing

Let me highlight common misconceptions and excuses that some people have regarding the network/multilevel marketing business model. The main goal of this treatise is to dispel doubts, myths, eliminate ignorance and allay your fears in other to correct the distorted view or mentality that some of you may have about the network/ multilevel marketing or direct selling industry and profession:.
*I don’t do MLMs, I’m not interested: You have a right to make any choice out of your freewill. However this choice is without a valid excuse nor clarity. What specifically are you not interested in?.
* I don’t have money/ I cant afford it/ products are expensive : You cannot afford to make money? If you could put some amount of money into this business, what would you say your health is worth? Worst case scenario, you can sign uo woth the minimum amount you have and gradually upgrade your membership level and invest as your income grows From another perspective: Isn’t it logical for high quality products to cost more than their ordinary counterparts? This is even more necessary when the company doesn’t pay for advertising, wholesaling or retailing and you are the one being paid instead as the middle man or distributor..
*I don’t have time/ I am busy. (Everyone has a right to use their time the way they want. In my opinion, wouldn’t it be smarter to solve your busy schedule by finding a way you can earn more with less time? You have an option of continuing the rat race in a job you probably hate in order to make a living or do this business part-time and/or combine with other businesses in your portfolio of entrepreneurship.
*Let me think about it: What do you need to know if this is the right opportunity for you? The best way for you to know is to seek more knowledge and give it a try. If you are guided on how to test drive this business with minimal risk. How about that?
*Let me seek permission from my wife or husband: _(Great! Even better, because the positive multiplier effect of this business will benefit you both rather than just you alone!)_
*MLMs are scams: Don’t make generalized statements. The fact that you have been scammed by a fraudster posing as a genuine distributor; a fraudulent company posing as a genuine MLM company or an unreliable “MLM” company that ran out of business quickly doesn’t mean all MLM companies are all the same. There are good MLM companies. If you knew that this profession is validated by most respected businessmen in the world, wouldn’t you like to know a bit more?.)_
* I don’t have the skills to convince people: Its not compulsory for you to have skills to start the business. You can make do with whatever you have (people, idea or resources) and develop yourself in the course of the business by yourself or through physical and virtual meetups/trainings with your team. I would rather not use the “convince”. Instead, we offer people life changing opportunities and let them decide for themselves)_
*I don’t know how to sell: Selling is not compulsory to excel in this business. You also don’t have to be a pushy salesperson especially if the products or services are high quality. Bonus Fact: In Longrich, we don’t hawk products or force people to buy because the products sell themselves already due to the multifarious positive effects on users and real life testimonies to validate this phenomenon)_
* I’ve tried it before and it didn’t work: It is most likely the case that you either chose the wrong company, products or lacked proper information, support and tools need to succeed at the time. How about using this new opportunity to try again, get proper training, learn from your mistakes and succeed to tell the story?)_
* Networking is not my area of strength: Anybody can do networking, you don’t have to be a professional before you start seeing the results of your efforts)_
* MLMs are pyramid schemes* The shape of any organization does not determine illegality. If it were true, most businesses, organizations including government would be illegal because they all have pyramid structures)_
*People are only in it for themselves: Network marketing doesn't reward people for using others. Success in network marketing comes in helping others reach their goals. A selfish attitude will not take you far. If you are genuine in your effort to help others, then you will succeed in this business. Another misunderstanding is that it is not about customers like in traditional businesses. It is just about me trying to get you on board so that I can make money from you, right? Let’s take a closer look:
When you go to a restaurant to order food; What are they doing? Trying to make money.
When you pay for a mobile service or DStv subscription; What are the service providers or operators doing? Trying to make money.
When you go to a salon to do your hair; What is the barber/hairdresser doing? Trying to make money.
When you go or a hotel to lodge for a night; What is the hotelier doing? Trying to make money.
When you go to any shop or supermarket to buy anything: What is the business trying to do? You guessed right. Trying to make money. This is the same for all businesses. We buy things we need because it solves a problem or meets our needs to make us better afterwards. If someone offers you a product or service that makes your life better. Would that be a problem? The problem is if the sales representative was just trying to make money from you without thinking about you right? So the problem isn't MLM but the sales representative. )_
*Only the people at the top make a lot of money: It’s a myth that only the people who started the business early make a lot of money. In many MLM companies, members can make any amount regardless of which level or generation they are in the organization. Income is related to effort, not position. No matter when you join or where you are in the organization, you have an equal chance as anyone else to succeed if you do the work. Many successful leaders today were not in the topmost level or highest generation of the network so overtaking is very much allowed especially in Longrich’s compensation plan. I am a testament to the fact.
*Eventually, the program will get saturated*_(Saturation is impossible because there isn’t a finite number of people. Everyday, babies are born or new people who turn 18, thereby adding new potential network marketers to the pool of prospects’)_

Many of the successful leaders in this business (also gave some of these similar excuses at one point in time in the early stages of the business but now that we are financially free, some of us look back in retrospect and laugh at those times when were naive.
It’s so easy to be a critic. Anyone can be a critic and can sit there and pick faults in people and businesses and tell you all the reasons why it won’t work. What is more difficult and admirable is choosing not to just follow the crowd and put yourself out there in after reaching success in front of your critics.
For those of us that have probably been into network marketing and didn’t have a favourable outcome. you can reminisce and do further research on why it didn’t work out well. Before deciding to join any company, the main things you look out for are:
1. *The Products: Are they likely to suite your lifestyle? Are they innovative or top notch? Are there true stories of the effect of the products on consumers? Are they in demand? If there’s no product or service that offers value to customers or distributors, that’s a red flag. In fact, run for your life.
2. *The Company: Is it a reputable company? Don’t just look at the brand but their track record. How many years have they been in existence? Are they well known? Is there any reliable source you can use to verify their achievement(s)? You can do a little research online or on social media but also use your discretion as there could be some biased information out there as well.
3. *Compensation plan*: Is their compensation plan good enough? Are people being compensated fairly based on their efforts? Are there recognition for high achievers?
4. *Support system:. Do they have a good support systems to assist new members or distributors? Is there a good policy or legal framework to resolve issues some distributors may face?

Fortunately, you don’t have to do further research because the company I am about to introduce to you meets all the above requirements and even exceeds most distributors’ expectations. The advantage of network marketing/multilevel marketing business model is that many of the efforts you put in building a traditional business is significantly handled by the company; the only thing you have to focus on is build your team.

For some of us in the healthcare sector especially those of us who are medical doctors or professors of health and nutrition related disciplines; In fact your knowledge and qualifications should be an added advantage. I am not here to teach you what you already know but to offer you an business/investment opportunity to attain residual income while improving yours and other people’s health at the same time. Some of us already have one or two businesses at varying stages of development and might be busy to some extent running those business while some of us may be contemplating how to transition from a full time employee to a business owner and/or investor. Which ever the case, there's room for everyone here. For those of us outside the country; In this business, location is not an issue as our distributors live in many different countries all over the world. We can also operate this business with team members residing in different countries worldwide. So apart from the international trips to different destinations as a reward for achievement, you might want to focus solely on the monetary aspect of compensation plan or the long term investments of this business.. For further enquiries, you can reach me on +2348028707454 via SMS or WhatsApp


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