Misconceptions and Objections on Network/Multilevel Marketing
Let me highlight common misconceptions and excuses that some people have regarding the network/multilevel marketing business model. The main goal of this treatise is to dispel doubts, myths, eliminate ignorance and allay your fears in other to correct the distorted view or mentality that some of you may have about the network/ multilevel marketing or direct selling industry and profession:. * I don’t do MLMs , I’m not interested : You have a right to make any choice out of your freewill. However this choice is without a valid excuse nor clarity. What specifically are you not interested in?. * I don’t have money/ I cant afford it/ products are expensive : You cannot afford to make money? If you could put some amount of money into this business, what would you say your health is worth? Worst case scenario, you can sign uo woth the minimum amount you have and gradually upgrade your membership level and invest as your income grows From another perspective: Isn’t i...